Samstag, 26. Februar 2011

Montag, 21. Februar 2011


Nonviolence begins with respect, not only for humans, but also for the Earth, the plants and the animals. Thank you joy of being.


Apache Blessing

”May the sun bring you energy by day,
May the moon softly restore you by night,
May the rain wash away your worries,
May the breeze blow new strength into your being.
May you walk gently through the world
and know its beauty all the days of your life.”

Apache Blessing


Every breath

“Gratefulness is the heart of prayer.”

Brother David Steindl-Rast


"Make every breath a prayer."

St. Paul

Dienstag, 15. Februar 2011

A living path

I walk a Living Path. May I honor precious moments of meeting, no matter how fleeting.



Often, not more words are needed, but someone truly listening. Non-judgmental listening is a healing present to both, the part that expresses and the part who listens.




Flowers are always singing, even when they are withered. Flowers enjoy their lives constantly. They have knowledge of transformation, not of death. Flowers do not suffer and they never compare themselves.


Trust in life

Let us have patience. Every false path is like a blind alley. With the presence of humility and receptivity comes guidance and protection in experience and trust in Live grows. Beloved are we, all together.


Montag, 14. Februar 2011

Practice of peace

"Most important is to become nonviolence, so that when a situation presents itself, we will not create more suffering. To practice nonviolence, we need gentleness, loving kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity directed to our bodies, our feelings, and other people. With mindfulness--the practice of peace--we can begin by working to transform the wars in ourselves."

Thich Nhat Hanh

Dienstag, 8. Februar 2011

Spirit of the valley

"In the valley of countless flowers, roots mingle. Wars begin on mountaintops. Peace comes from the spirit of the valley."

Fred Lamotte

Sonntag, 6. Februar 2011


Inter-connectedness is. It lets us experience the beauty and wholeness of living, all brokenness included.



(M)ouse (I)guana (R)hinoceros (A)lligator (C)rab (L)izard (E)lephant

Samstag, 5. Februar 2011

Being present

I act for the good of all, when I generate the energy of attentiveness, understanding and compassion for my wounded child.


Mittwoch, 2. Februar 2011

Shared humanity

"Only when we know our own darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity.”

Pema Chödrön