Donnerstag, 17. Juni 2010

Living In The Heart

"Fear and conditioning encourage us to push away those aspects of our experience that are new, unexpected , or that do not feel safe. By creating an area of our experience that is unacceptable, division is created int the psyche. Now we have good and bad, unconscious and conscious, wanted and unwanted. Now we can have an experience without feeling it. We can escape into our heads, space out, disconnect emotionally. While this kind of dissociation is understandable when it comes in reaction to traumatic events, it is dysfunctional in response to the ups and downs of daily life."

"Deciding something before we have taken the time to be with all of our contradictory thoughts and feelings often exacerbates whatever conflict we are experiencing in our outer lives. When we feel an urgency or pressure to decide or figure things out, it usually means that we are escaping into our heads, trying to "make something happen" that is not ready to happen. And this inevitably leads to outward struggle and disappointment. The doors do not open, no matter how hard or how frequently we knock on them. Because we are not in inner harmony, we cannot be in harmony with others. Because we are not in our own "flow", we cannot flow with life as it manifests around us."

"It takes courage to be present in our inner emotional landscape when rain or fog obscure the long view. When visibility is at a minimum, all we can do is put one foot in front of the other. When lots of conflicting thoughts and emotions are churning in the psyche, all we can do is bring our awareness gently to where we are. If we rush through the rain or the fog, we will stray from the path and fall. An accident will delay us from our goal much longer than bad weather will, and then, we will wish that we had been more patient."

"To be patient with ourselves and our own process is the key to living in the heart. We can be in our hearts and not "know" the outcome of a situation. Indeed, the willingness "to be without knowing" is essential to being present here and now for whatever we are experiencing."

Paul Ferrini
