Donnerstag, 23. September 2010

Moment by moment

'Overcoming the alzheimer's negativity bias' by Marguerite Manteau-Rao


is there a general disease we could call hyperactivity of defining and labeling? and do we lose meanings in the progression?

perpaps what we call disease, sickness, illness is nothing but the way of nature to balance. i mean surely many of us have heard that so called blind people (or others who lack one sense) have their other senses better developed in return. but are we interested in what their amplified sensory perception tells them about life, about us? or is it much more so that we have learned to define people by what they seemingly lack and then we stay with that definition, because ít´s more comfortable?

my work with people who have dementia has lead me to the opinion that they do not lose something most important, but rather they regain something very important, namely the ability to feel deeply. as far as i can see they develop a fine sense whether other people (e.g. we who are with them) are real, authentic. and they also develop something we all were capable to as children: the unwillingness to be not real, to be not authentic...honest. btw, yes, they work with me, too, maybe more than the other way around. only i get the money.
